I woke up this morning to the sound of the furnace running. It was 49 degrees outside. Now, I realize that's nothing new to many of you, but in this part of Arizona, we have usually had several days of 100 degrees temps by now. So for us, it was chilly.
For some reason the cooler weather made me appreciate all the things growing in the garden. I know that soon enough, our weather will be hot and scorching again, and the plants need to get a good start now, during this cooler weather, to be strong enough to withstand the summer heat.
I planted some new rose bushes last year. I tried to find places in the yard that received dappled sunlight throughout the day to offer some protection from the heat. I think they are pretty happy. There are several other varieties that have not yet bloomed this spring. I'm thrilled to see these ones doing so well.

This is the first bud on this rose bush. I can't wait to see in in full bloom - hopefully soon.
This little Herb Garden is just outside my kitchen door. It's perfect for snipping fresh herbs when I'm cooking. Several of the plants (Rosemary, Mint and Sage) were put in last year and wintered over beautifully. I cut the Mint and Sage back completely about 2 months ago, and this is all fresh new growth. The entire planter box is no more than 5' X 3', but it puts out a ton of growth. I'm going to have to find some good recipes for Rosemary...it's starting to take over.

Purple Basil - it's a new planting this year. I just love the color. We sometimes have trouble with dark leafed plants burning because they absorb the heat. I hope it will do OK.

Mint - one of my favorites.

This Basil plant made it through the winter. Cut back in January, the new growth has already started to flower. I think I may let it go to seed and see what I get.
I also have a raised planter in another part of the yard. We built it on a tiled slab where the previous home owners had a hot tub. Several Tomato plants, and some cucumbers that are not doing much, but a few things are already producing well there.

One Green Bell Pepper - hopefully more to come.
Strawberry Plants.
Some with blossoms...

Some with strawberries - ripe - and soon to be ripe.

These beautiful shiny berries are no longer on the bush - I couldn't resist!
We also have a few friends that visit the garden...

Just kidding, he's not real. It's connected to an irrigation line so he fills the birdbath with fresh water each day. My daughter took this photo and I thought it looked pretty convincing.