Monday, December 10, 2012

Ten on Ten: December 2012

A quick peek into my day.  

Participating in Ten on Ten.
(a photo every hour, for 10 consecutive hours, on the 10th of the month)

See what everyone else is sharing about there day over here.


  1. hi karina!!:)
    so good to see you again!
    love all your photos.
    my faves are the fruit and the candy with that sweet little snowman.
    but please oh please tell me about those three little girl boxes?!?!:) the cutest things ever!
    have a happy day

  2. Is K using a bag lunch now?! Please tell me she's still getting those sweet bento boxes in there!! You make the best bentos!!

    BB's Xmas list is so similar to Little K's! Except add in gift card to PetSmart and a bendable frisbee for Buster. :) What is a Stompeez though? Never heard of that one.

    Oh...and explain that cute basket of candy, please. Are you making some uber fantastic gingerbread houses? And where can I find those lollipops? Those are awesome!

  3. oh....and poor Little K! I can't believe she broke her wrist! Glad she can still dance though. phew!

  4. Amazing set!
    Love the "Christmas colours" you search for every single photo!

    Kisses and blessings.
    (participating from Brazil!!!)

  5. always lovely photos here! that basket is filled with tasty goodies, making me want some more Christmas candy :)
    Merry Christmas!

  6. Your pictures always make me happy!
