
Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Think I Could Live Here

We just got back from an amazing few days in Santa Barbara.


We stayed at a beautiful hotel - right on the beach.
Our room faced the ocean and you could hear the waves pounding throughout the night.
I've never slept better (maybe the down bedding and chocolate mints on my pillow helped a bit).

Beach Love

I'm not the only one who wishes we could live here.


These girls could stand and stare at the ocean waves for hours.


That's Little K and her Best Bud (that we stole away for the weekend).



Our resort was simply Glorious 
(the most over used word of the weekend - but the perfect way to describe everything around us).


I'm in love with the Spanish architecture and details.


Look at those beautiful tiles in our bathroom.
Notice the bath spigot? The water just flowed out of the magic.
Did I mention the overhead Rain Shower?


The Hotel grounds there were filled with secret gardens, lush flower filled planters and trickling fountains tucked around every corner. 


More of those hand painted colorful tiles. Yes Please!


Check out this gigantic tree. We named him Ferdinand - because a tree that fantastic has to have an equally powerful name!


We did venture out one day to go Horse Back Riding.



This was my horse.  His name was Chief - Scout - Major - Commander - or something that means person in charge, I never could remember. 

Maybe that's why he didn't listen to me very well?

Horse Butt

The Two of Us

Hubby and Me - looking kind of spiffy after spending several hours on the back of a horse.

The weekend was also filled with...


Refreshing Drinks

Pillow Fight

Pillow Fights


Breakfast on the Veranda


...and lots more time frolicking on the beach!


The View


Yes - I definitely think WE could live here in Santa Barbara
(some day)


  1. Oh Karina...I think I could live there too!!! I am not kidding...I looked at these photos, and serioulsy exhaled and realxed a bit. Simply beautiful and you captured the feel of the place so very well. amazing
    have a happy day...and dream of going back!!!:)

  2. Ok, I've looked at these photos several times now. What a wonderful getaway. I'm so happy you did this and had a great time. Everything is beautiful. I LOVE the painted tiles as well. We have a lot of that type of decor in Texas as well. Love it! The ocean looks so peaceful there, and what a fabulous hotel you stayed in. Great pictures! xo.

  3. Can we be neighbors?! :)
    What a beautiful all looks perfect.
    Your cocktail and breakfast looks heavenly!
    And what a great picture of you and your hubby!

  4. Yes. You all look right at home there!

    What a gorgeous getaway you had! That first pic had me freaked out. I wondered how Little K suddenly had a twin. My goodness they look exactly alike!

    Beautiful photos, girl! I bet you can't wait to get them into your Project Life book!!

  5. I absolutely Love that city! We are planning to take a trip up there sometime in July and after seeing that bathroom pic I would love to know where you guys stayed? Love the pictures especially the one with the girls down in the water staring out into the gorgeous water! It's always so hard coming back to reality after being somewhere so beautiful ;)

  6. You seriously take the most amazing photos. It makes me feel like I was right there with you. The weather here has been amazing and it looks like you had a great weekend! I love all the beach photos. And that big tree is sooo cool lookin'!!

  7. Awesome Karina!! Did K take the photo of you and Gary? She did a great job! Takes after her mom.

  8. i know i could just by your pictures. sigh.

  9. Karina, this was such an enchanting post! Images of ocean, beautiful food, sun and joy...California Dreaming indeed. We are putting our house on the market with a agent this week, so our transition westward should really speed up (for sale by owner effective an approach as we'd hoped!)

    So excited to explore this gorgeous state, and your images show how much we have to look forward to!

  10. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like you had a lovely time! I remember when we went to Aruba, so beautiful and relaxing by the water.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!


  11. Karina these photos are amazing! WOW! This looks like a place that I need to add on my list of dream places to visit!
